Frank Monroe, who goes by the alias “Khing” Jus Wurk, is a hip hop artist from Redhook, Brooklyn and currently resides in Orlando, Florida. Khing contributes his motivation and drive with his music to his difficult times of moving around as a child and growing up. He is a student at Full Sail University where he studies business entertainment and will graduate with a B.S. in 2016. While obtaining his degree, Wurk has continued following his aspirations as an artist. He says that music saved his life and kept him off the streets. Wurk is a man with dreams and will stop at nothing to achieve his desires. “Khing” Jus Wurk is not just an artist but an educated businessman. He has already released and has been featured on multiple mix tapes all while planning his next move in the industry. His latest single is “I Am (Wurk)”.
1. Ok lets get down to the have a very interesting name, what made you pick Khing Jus Wurk?
Overall I just wanted something unique that fit to me. That I could stand by, I used to be called “Yung Wurk” then as I grew it became “Jus Wurk” and I added the “Khing” with a “H” for the “Hate” symbolizing my struggle what I have been through and am going through to be “Khing” Jus Wurk . Nobody is going to give you anything you have to work for it and I am going to get mines by proving I can work the hardest. #IAmWurk
2. We understand you are from Brooklyn originally. How long have you been in Florida and do you miss your boro?
I’ve been in Florida for whats been 2 yrs now since I’ve been attending school. I left home in 01 when the Towers fell #GodBless been back a few times. Was in a transitonal period before I came to school, always missed home #RedHook aint no place like it. I mean a few give you that feeling but nothing comes close. #NYC
3. We hear a lot of south influence in your music. What made you trade the boom bap for those 808’s?
I peeped the science and back home we vibe tell stories real laid back with it in the south they turn up, and I’ve been down here a while and agree there’s nothing wrong with TURNING UP #YFM. I can rock on anything but yea them 808’s got me like #WHOAWurkkk
4. How does the Hiphop culture differ from NY and Florida in your opinion?
It’s a party atomsphere in the south they have fun with it I like it though from the club to the trap, the turn up is real. Back home we are really structured and percise real serious in everything we do. We starting to adapt and relax a little and you can tell by the recent blending sound in the hip-hop industry.
5. How has being in Full Sail helped your music career?
Full Sail University help smooth out those rough edges, gave me a direction really narrowed my broad goal of “being rich and famous”. When I came here I was a #Rapper and I wanted to get signed. I now know everything from “Digital Marketing” to “Introduction to Business Law” and I still have eleven months of education left and look forward to everything I am going to learn. Continuously as an artist your told to invest in yourself, take control of your career and I am doing just that. Becoming a contender not only in the “Hip-hop” game but the “Entertainment Industry” as a whole. #WeWorking #WatchMeWurk
6. What is your long term goal to be an emcee, producer, management, engineer?
I wanna perform that’s has been the dream, and it still is. I have ben a part of hip-hop since the birth and no matter what anybody says business is and will forever be apart of the industry so I just wanna play every role that I can possible play in it. You gotta get paid, I just wanna find a position where I can get paid doing what I love.
7. It’s a known fact that your rough up bringing helped craft you into the emcee you are today. What types of struggles specifically are still fresh in your mind?
I’ve been through the most and there was a time those things flooded my mind and kept me down, but I found a way to focus that energry. Just to name a few off top I have been homeless, in group homes and foster care, juvienile detention (a few Years), have had everyone I know turn their backs on me and more and somehow I am still here. The things that at one time almost destoryed me now motivate me to succeed.
8. Overall how would you describe your style?
My style is my own, of course you could listen to any of my tracks and come to an conclusion I sound like…..but my sound is my own. Its full of energry music, that you move and vibe to. Through my “Style” you can actual connect with me, you can tell I’m going all in. That I have a passion for what I do that I am not phoning it in, that my “Style” is all me.
9. We see a lot of intensity when you spit. Ever since the Bustas and X’s fizzled out it seems like everyone nowerdays is lacking that MOP’ness (if that is a word *laughs). Is it bring from the Brook that makes you spit hard, and why is the game so laid back now?
Yea, guess you can say being a #Brooklyn (#Redhook to be exact (laughs) dude gives be that edge I mean, it is what we are known for. And I’m not mad at the laid back movement, bump a few of them joints myself from time to time. They do what they do…and I am just going to continue to do me, gotta few swagged out joints myself (#LookAtMe check that out).
10. So whats on the way? Any music,projects, mixtapes or albums?
What’s next…graduation right now, I am actively seeking representation (Agent, Management etc.). I’ve been doing the most, my next single will be “Keep Getting Money” another banger of my “Wurk Related EP” and if your feeling “I Am (Wurk)” “Keep Getting Money” will Mos definitely have you plug in fr fr. I slowed it down a little, it’s a motivationally track. An anthem the name it’s self lets you know what’s it is all about. #GetMoney #Wurk #WeWorking
It was good chopping it up with you. Let our readers know where to check you out.
#Brooklyn #ImComingHome #IAmWurk and #ImJustHappyToBeHere